Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Best Robotnik/Eggman VA

All of Robotnik's voice actors have done a fair job, but some match the character better than others.

Best to Worst

1 Mike Pollock (Sonic X, Sonic Boom, 2005-now)

Pollock is able to switch between Eggman's evil, comedic, and crazy sides. I kind of forgot, with how the games have been written the past decade, how he can portray the character with such angry confidence.

2 Long John Baldry (AoStH)

Baldry went with the comedic route, pronouncing words in a unique way ("I wasn't supposed to pull that LEEver"). Though the result was funny, he kept the character oblivious to it with anger. If he hadn't put emphasis into the role, phrases like "I HATE that hedgehog!" (...and "snooPINGAS usual") wouldn't have caught on.

3 Gary Chalk (Sonic Underground)

Chalk put a focus on Robotnik's superior attitude and balanced the comedy with a slight edge when necessary.

4 Jim Cummings (Sat Am)

Cumming's does good job at creating a scarier Robotnik. It's hard to imagine anyone else fitting the Sat Am interpretation so well. However, that version isn't really in line with the character in general. He also voiced a few lines in the AoStH pilot, but he still didn't really show the character as funny.

5 Deem Bristow (1999-2004)

Birstrow had a powerful voice for the old egghead, but it did not match the character as well except when challenging Sonic. 

6 Edwin Neal (OVA)

Unlike most of the OVA's cast, Neal isn't that bad. It's kind of weird at points, but not bad.

7 Jim Carrey ("Sonic the Hedgehog"  movie)

It's kind of hard to judge on voice alone, here, but Carrey notably switches between a smart Robotnik and angered one. Of all the portrayals, his is the most "normal" (likely due to the fact that he was acting, not voice acting). Like with Cummings, Carrey does a good job with a different version of Robotnik, but I don't think he fits the actual character as well.

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