Thursday, May 21, 2020

Best Espio VA

Espio the Chameleon is the speed type of the Chaotix.

Best To Worst

David Wills (Sonic X, 2005-2010)

Wills gave Espio a mysterious, cool tone. He somehow seems to make the character conclusive, which goes with his role in the Detective Agency.

Matt Mercer (2016-now)

In Sonic Forces, Mercer was able to give the character a deep voice with a bit of an edge to it. If he had the chance cover lines beyond support, he might be number one, here. Unfortunately, though, Espio hasn't had much of a role as of late.

Bill Corkery (2003)

Corkey gave Espio a gruff voice that may have been a bit too tough for a speed type. Some of his comments like "Ninja Power" make me laugh...but I don't think they were meant to.

Troy Baker (2010-2016)

Baker's version is mellow. While calm, it's just kinda' lame compared to other performances.

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