Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Finding the Computer Room

I've always been kinda' curious as to where the line "Find the Computer Room" gained fame. Though hilarious, the line can usually only be found when on pause, as Vector's lines are variants ("We've got to make it to the computer room before this place collapses," etc).

So this is my hunt for the story behind the "Computer Room."


Nov. 2005 (Shadow the Hedgehog is released) The original line starts here, in the level Cosmic Fall where Shadow can choose to help Vector find the Ark's "computer room."

Late 2005 The line becomes associated with Vector's mission.

Spring 2006 An hilarious but inappropriate fanfic uses the line.

Summer 2006 A fan's comic strip showing Shadow's frustration while Vector repeats the line is posted on DeviantArt.

Jan. 2007 Someone puts it on Urban dictionary.

Feb. 2007 A video on youtube used the line multiple times with clips from Sonic X.

Jun. 2007 A Youtube Account called FTCR or "Find the Computer Room" is made (and is still around).

2009 A youtube video plays the line for 10 minutes. It starts to show up in other places.

Beyond 2009 It's begining to be considered a Sonic meme and an "infamous" quote.

In 2010, the comic from DeviantArt is posted on Youtube with the Cosmic Fall music. Meanwhile in 2012 Youtubers began naming their Cosmic Fall playthroughs "Find the Computer Room." In 2015, a few also posted videos of the line by itself. In 2016, someone makes a new video with the line over Spongebob.

In more recent years, there have been a great deal of images and videos posted relating to or mentioning the phrase. The popular meme began to be considered official since it was used by the Sega/Sonic social accounts and was featured in Sonic Universe # 47.

However, while infamous in the Sonic Community, it's not considered a meme everyone would recognize.


I didn't even have the internet in 2005, so I'm not sure exactly how or where this found it's popularity, but it was considered recognizable by 2007. I speculate the comic strip was what initially helped it gain popularity.

It seems Vector's voice acting made the comment stand out, as well as the character's comical traits. The contrast between Vector and Shadow may have also contributed.

Personally, I thought it was because when you finally get to the "computer room," the "room" is a bizarre collection of green boxes and the "computer" is an odd shaped thing. But that just might be me.   

Seriously wth?

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