Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Underground is better than Sat Am (Pt 2)


I previously hinted at this a bit when critiquing the group's designs. Underground was the winner, there. Sat Am did not age as well and made some bizarre choices. However, looks aren't everything. I'm going to compare the characters personalities and roles in each cartoon.

Main Characters

Sonic, Sally, and Antoine

Sonic's attitude is on spot, though AoStH probably deserves credit for establishing it. His relationship with Sally is interesting and cute, although I wish their relationship would have become more defined by the series' second season. Sally makes an interesting leader and a "serious" personality to contrast Sonic. Antoine, on the other hand...

My opinion of Antione has been corrupted by his comic counter-part. Comic-Ant is a sweetie. Cartoon Ant is an aXXhole! He's useless; his "rivalry" with Sonic is lame; he's irritating. His only purpose, it seems, is comic relief that is neither necessary nor humorous.

Sonic, Sonia, and Manic

Sonic still the same: funny, clever, but a show-off. I do have to say that he feels secondary to Sonia and Manic...maybe it's because they are newer characters, but I'd guess there are more Manic or Sonia centric episodes. So although they are nearly the same, I may have to give credit to Sat Am, here, for (usually) keeping Sonic in the spotlight.

On the plus side, more revealed about Sonia and Manic.

Sonia was raised rich and feels entitled. She's likes fashion and keeping her hair in style. "Spiny Annoying Princess," her brothers call her. But when trouble shows itself, Sonia is revealed not as selfish, but as a quick fighter and sassy musician. She was willing to join a cause greater than her, and continues to give up riches and her "old life" in order to save the world.

Manic was the opposite. He came from a group of thieves who would steal to stay alive. His interesting backstory and the fact that he was tempted to return to his old habits was both fascinating and comical. Manic was also plagued by not being able to spindash...having a character that was imperfect and perhaps even a bit of an anit-hero made for unique plots.   

Side Characters

Sat Am


Bunnie with Rotor in the opening

Bunnie is awesome--a girl power character with a Texas accent. While ignoring the Archie comics, though, there is not much else to say about Bunnie. In the cartoon, she rarely has a major role. Usually she's only a "filler" character who just uses her skills when the plot needs it.


Sat Am has the advantage of having Tails while he was oddly absent in Undergound. However, this version of Tails is lackluster. He, age 10 in the series, acts more childish than his 5-year-old AoStH counterpart. It's very disappointing that the two don't have the same bond as in AoStH, either. With the exception of one (maybe two) episodes, Tails is only "the innocent."

Apparently Tails was supposed to have a bigger role in Season 3. They waited too long.  


I've never really liked Rotor. He always seemed to be a useless character to me. Maybe it's because Tails has been given the "smart" role in other cartoons, or maybe he's just shallow.


Nicole was Sally's computer. The AI did little until Sonic shook it, frustrated with it's logical manner. Nicole would then adopt a new way of speaking. While Nicole showed potential, she did little aside from explaining things.

Nicole was also supposed to have a bigger role in Season 3 explaining her origins. 


As if Antoine wasn't enough, there's "Na Na Na Not Dragon Tales" Dulcy. Dulcy does nothing except act as transportation and lose it asking for her mother. I might consider the character funnier than Antoine, but she's a childish addition to the already quite full cast. 


Sat Am created one perfect character: Uncle Chuck. Sonic's uncle gave the show emotion and feeling (back when Sonic could cry). It was nice to see him in the second season, and the two-parter, "Blast to the Past" also expanded his character.

Here's the thing, though: Chuck was in Underground, too (further evidence of AM/Under overlap?). He didn't have as big a role, but a similar one. 



Aleena was Sonic's mother in the show, and would usually keep an eye on her kids, often narrating the show's opening and ending. Despite her separation, though, it's shown that she cares for her children, is willing to occasionally interfere, and looks forward to one day reuniting.

What makes Aleena most interesting is her role in the episode "The Jewel of the Crown." She created a trap for Robotnik, showing a "freedom fighter" side to her. 


Bartleby is similar to Antoine. Once engaged to Sonia, the mink is selfish and goes to lengths to avoid helping Sonia and her "ruffein brothers." He usually helps anyway (for Sonia). Main advantage: not as annoying as Antoine. 


Being a lion, Cyrus is often seen as the "Tails" the show never had. Unfortunately he often has a "freedom fighter filler" role, but in his original appearance he showed potential. He almost betrayed the heroes to save his father, but decided to tell the truth at the last minute.


This Knuckles doesn't seem quite as tough or serious as his game counterpart, but has many of the same qualities. He's naive and gullible, falling for tricks twice. He fights with Sonic and has a fierce dedication to his island and his emerald. In total, this Knuckles isn't quite as accurate as other interpretations (such as Sonic X), but he's not a giant idiot, either (cough...I'm sorry...BOOM).

Oracle of Delphius

There's an odd fantasy part of Underground, and the cryptic Oracle is a big part of that. Mainly, he just seems to serve as a plot-device. I don't care much for him as a character, but he has some amusing dialogue when contrasted with Sonic.


A freedom fighter "filler" character, this character is useless.


Dr. Robotnik, Snivley, Nagus

Dr. Robotnik in SAT AM was shown as completely evil, ignoring his comedic traits. I think (as a whole) this was a bad move. A serious Buttnik is fine when the situation demands it, but having it constantly means there's less of an emphasis when the plot is serious enough to match it. And honestly. It's a big fat man with a mustache. He was made to be funny.

Snively, his underling, kisses his boss' butt and secretly hates him. He's an okay character...amusing, but I don't like him nearly as much as Scratch and Grounder.

Nagus was one of the more interesting conflicts, known for his trickery and mystery. However, all those fantasy qualities clash with what's otherwise a sci-fi show (Sat Am even explained rings as one of Uncle Chuck's inventions...).

Dr. Robotnik, Sleet & Dingo

The three in the opening

Underground's Robonik isn't that memorable, but he's better balanced between comedic and evil.

Sleet and Dingo are funny enough but make little sense. Bounty hunters? Why not just make robots? They are not as good as Scratch and Grounder.


Underground chose to focus on a smaller cast. While it's side characters did not see as much screen time, the main ones were strengthened. The differences between Sonic, Manic, and Sonia were clearly defined as well as their similarities. And though there were some "filler" guests, none were blatantly annoying.

Sat Am's cast was intriguing on the surface, but many of it's characters would be pushed aside. While Sonic and Sally are strong, and some freedom fighters showed potential, misplaced comedy would steal the spotlight far too often (especially for a "darker" take on Sonic's world).

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