Tuesday, April 21, 2020

USA vs JAPAN: Sonic CD's Music Conclusion

Total Scores 
(the totals were added and then divided by the total possible points) 

USA: 74%
JAPAN: 69%

Our winner: the North American version.

Winning Tracks Playlist

Both soundtracks are good in their own way, but the one that suits the game the best overall is the North American soundtrack. While many of the Japanese ones put up a close battle, they did not score as high overall.

America's highest score was a 15/15 (Stardust Speedway Bad) while it's lowest was 7/15 (Collision Chaos Good)

The opinion is so divided, which is a shame because both are great examples of Sonic music. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but the way people fight over these two is pathetic. Previously I assumed this was purely nostalgia or because players never gave the opposite a chance. Now I can see their are other factors as well.

Japan's highest score was a 15/15 (Final Fever) while it's lowest was 7/15 (Stardust Speedway Bad)

The two are mainly different genres. The Japanese leans towards fast-paced, hip-hop and electronic styles, while the American version has a more atmospheric/rock vibe. I would also say that the Japanese version was lined with a "new" 90s sound while the American one had some 80s influences. In the background of the Japanese ones, the vocals would usually be speaking or rapping, while the phrases in the American version were usually sung or drawn out. The instruments also added to the contrast.

Anyway, I've gotten to respect the Japanese tracks a bit more, now, and understand why people like them. I've also realized that I don't just like the North American version for "Sonic Boom" or Stardust Speedway; I like the American soundtrack as a whole, and it's my favorite of the two.


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