Tuesday, April 7, 2020

USA vs JPN: CD's Main Themes


"Toot Toot Sonic Warrior/You Can Do Anything"


I remember the first time I went to play Sonic CD...it was a release, so Japan was the default. And I looked to the opening with glee and then..."WTF." That's what I thought when I heard "Toot Toot Sonic Warrior." I think I must have seen the American opening online before or something because it was not what I was expecting and I found it ruined the opening for me.
Edit: Apparently the version I disliked was an instrumental version of the song.

However, revisiting what I vaguely remember, I realized it's not that bad. It's background is lively and upbeat. It gets better with the female vocals. Actually, it's the the male's that I dislike the most--it sounds forced and awkward...not very "Sonic-y." Overall kinda' has a weird anime sound that I'm hesitant to like.

While very catchy, I'm still mystified by the whole "Toot Toot" thing. "Toot" usually brings nasty, smelly thoughts, and "Toot Toot"...maybe a train? Just seems odd.     

Tune: 5/5
Background: 4/5
Lyrics: 2/5
Relevance: 2/5
Likability: 4/5
Total: 17/25


"Sonic Boom"


Okay, I have to be honest. It's really hard not to be biased about this. "Sonic Boom" (long before the TV show was a thing) always seemed epic, and when paired with the animation and the fact that Crush 40 and Cash Cash made a cover...I'm trying to set nostalgia a side, but even at the first seconds I immediately recognize it.

I think the background gives an edgy feeling that perfectly applies to the blue hero. It starts slower and builds intensity, a more familiar structure. The vocals are encouraging, positive. 

The lyrics make sense and are perfectly timed with the opening. For example "When you use your mind" is cleverly lined up with Sonic looking forward.

Tune: 4/5
Background: 5/5
Lyrics: 4/5
Relevance: 4/5
Likability: 5/5
Total: 22/25

Title Screen

The Japanese version is an interesting instrumental version of "Toot Toot," while the US is just a shortened "Sonic Boom." Typically this is something I'd stay neutral on, but since I have to pick, Japan. While each make sense, it's just refreshing to have something that sounds a bit different.



"Cosmic Eternity/Believe in Yourself"

The game's ending is slower, with a magical sound that quickly turns into a song similar to the main theme but with different lyrics more focused on believing in oneself and "Cosmic Eternity." While it is a separate song, it's not quite as catchy as "Toot toot."

Tune: 3/5
Background: 4/5
Lyrics: 4/5
Relevance: 4/5
Likability: 3/5
Total: 18/25


"Sonic Boom"

This one also has a slow but edgy beginning as the lyrics to the song begin to build up. There are added lyrics and a part about "Mr. Bad." The chorus now has an outro-like sound to it, now being a bit calmer but confident as the game comes to an end.

Tune: 4/5
Background: 4/5
Lyrics: 4/5
Relevance: 4/5
Likability: 5/5
Total: 21/25


As far as the main theme is concerned, North America wins. Though "Toot Toot Sonic Warrior" had a nice beat and "You Can Do Anything" fit the game's theme, "Sonic Boom" proved itself epic as both an opening and ending in an unbeatable way.

Winner: USA

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