Thursday, April 16, 2020

USA vs JAPAN: Metallic Maddness

The final zone of Sonic CD, and the final fight before the game's end.

Japanese Versions 


Speedy, this music hosts a collection of panic and sneaky voices.

Tune: 4/5
Level Relevance: 3/5
General Likability: 4/5
Total: 11/15

Bad Future 

A startling but impact filled song with discouraging voices and laughter.

Tune: 4/5
Level Relevance: 4/5
General Likability: 5/5
Total: 13/15

Good Future

This happy (SEGA WACKY WORLD VIBES!) version seems sparkly and joyous. 

Tune: 4/5
Level Relevance: 4/5
General Likability: 4/5
Total: 12/15

American Versions 


A constant machine-like tone with a cinematic, intense background.

Tune: 3/5
Level Relevance: 5/5
General Likability: 4/5
Total: 12/15

Bad Future 

The mechanical sounds are intensified and the music is brought to a climax.

Tune: 3/5
Level Relevance: 5/5
General Likability: 4/5
Total: 12/15

Good Future

With a quiet beginning, this serene song builds intensity and seems to mix machine and nature. 

Tune: 2/5
Level Relevance: 5/5
General Likability: 4/5
Total: 11/15

Mesh with the past? (Y/N)
No. The North American version has trouble keeping up with the energetic past, here.


Japan wins, just barley beating it's North America counterpart with its futures. While the American ones fully took into account the location and the type of effects it would have, the fast Japanese tracks provide the rush the game's final stages needed.

Winner: JAPAN

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