Wednesday, April 8, 2020

USA vs JAPAN: Palmtree Panic

Palmtree Panic was Sonic CD's first stage and set the tone for the levels that would follow.

Japanese Versions 


It is a very upbeat track with some tropical vibes. Sounds sunny. It is accompanied by the occasional "Yeah!"

Tune: 5/5
Level Relevance: 4/5
General Likability: 4/5
Total: 13/15

Bad Future 

The background is now robotic and the cheers have become demented and taunting. It sounds corrupted. Intense, but as if someone was manipulating the world.

Tune: 4/5
Level Relevance: 3/5
General Likability: 5/5
Total: 12/15

Good Future

The tune is made higher and happier, with some unique sounds and the continued cheers. It seems sort of like an awards show at points, and has more of a buzzy sound at others.

Tune: 2/5
Level Relevance: 3/5
General Likability: 3/5
Total: 8/15

American Versions 


This version also hits the tropical stance very well, opting for a slower pace. It's beat gets more interesting as it progresses, but keeps the tone laid-back.

Tune: 3/5
Level Relevance: 5/5
General Likability: 4/5
Total: 12/15

Bad Future 

Although it has similar tone, it is now more ominous. The added vocals seem worried.

Tune: 4/5
Level Relevance: 2/5
General Likability: 3/5
Total: 9/15

Good Future

The rack now becomes more mystic, with some jungle-like vibes. The vocals can now be heard gently in the relaxed song. Reminds me of Unleashed at points.

Tune: 3/5
Level Relevance: 3/5
General Likability: 4/5
Total: 10/15

Mesh with the past? (Y/N)
Actually, since they both are tropical, yes. It's not perfect, but it fits alright.


Japan wins Palmtree Panic in general, winning both the Present and Bad Future. While the American songs were appropriate for the levels, they did not have the same energy as their predecessors.

Winner: Japan

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