Thursday, April 9, 2020

USA vs JAPAN: Collision Chaos

Collision Chaos was Sonic CD's second level, where Metal Sonic abducts Amy.

Japanese Versions 


It has a snazzy, back and forth with some tech-y effects.

Tune: 4/5
Level Relevance: 4/5
General Likability: 2/5
Total: 10/15

Bad Future 

While maintaining the previous tune, the sounds are more experimental in nature. 

Tune: 3/5
Level Relevance: 2/5
General Likability: 3/5
Total: 8/15

Good Future

It reminds me of a Streets of Rage level. Overall it's now smooth and casino-like. 

Tune: 3/5
Level Relevance: 4/5
General Likability: 2/5
Total: 9/15

American Versions 


It has a stressed mood alongside beautiful sounds that remind me of stars.

Tune: 3/5
Level Relevance: 2/5
General Likability: 4/5
Total: 9/15

Bad Future 

The guitar amplifies the chaotic setting with a serious tone, backed by the hopeful "starry" effects.

Tune: 3/5
Level Relevance: 2/5
General Likability: 4/5
Total: 9/15

Good Future

The tension is now paramount, although it does seem to acknowledge perseverance.

Tune: 2/5
Level Relevance: 2/5
General Likability: 3/5
Total: 7/15

Mesh with the past? (Y/N)
I'm giving this a very hesitant yes. The Japanese tone is slowed just enough that the connection is passable, but barely.


Score two for Japan, who won both the Present and Good Future. I'm not a huge fan, but the tune is flashy like the level and just fits the "pin-ball" setting better.

Winner: Japan

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