Monday, April 20, 2020

USA vs JAPAN: Special Stages, Game Over, Etc

CD's weird special stages featured UFOs and let the player collect "Time Stones."

Japanese Versions 

Special Stage

It combined the unique exploratory sounds and the rushed feeling of the stage.

Tune: 4/5
Level Relevance: 4/5
General Likability: 4/5
Total: 12/15

Game Over Screen 

A song in hip-hop style with disappointed voices. 

Tune: 2/5
Level Relevance: 3/5
General Likability: 3/5
Total: 8/15

Speedy Shoes 

A quick an happy tune.

Tune: 4/5
Level Relevance: 4/5
General Likability: 4/5
Total: 12/15


A mix of jovial and wacky sounds.

Tune: 3/5
Level Relevance: 4/5
General Likability: 4/5
Total: 11/15

Zone Ending

A quick and funky jingle.

Tune: 2/5
Relevance: 3/5
General Likability: 4/5
Total: 9/15

American Versions 

Special Stage

A low constant tone alongside effects that aid the mystery and the importance of the stage.

Tune: 4/5
Level Relevance: 4/5
General Likability: 3/5
Total: 11/15

Game Over Screen 

A creepy montage of laughing.

Tune: 1/5
Level Relevance: 5/5
General Likability: 3/5
Total: 9/15

Speedy Shoes 

An edgy tune mixed with light effects.

Tune: 4/5
Level Relevance: 4/5
General Likability: 5/5
Total: 13/15


A combo of serious and positive sounds.

Tune: 4/5
Level Relevance: 4/5
General Likability: 4/5
Total: 12/15

Zone Ending

A blast of confidence.

Tune: 3/5
Relevance: 4/5
General Likability: 3/5
Total: 10/15


Although Japan was decided best for the special stage, the rest went to North America. It was a tough call, but it was mainly it's relevance that kept it's scores higher.

Winner: USA

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