Thursday, February 13, 2020

Soniccomics: "Sonic Generations"

"Did you know? This is the only Sonic game to feature both Classic and Modern designs--" Wrong. Now it is, at least. Sonic Forces now makes this "trivia" worthless.

First off, the art is colorful, expressive, and shaded well. There are a few changes like the addition of a lake that are kinda' nice. I like how the entire sky goes dark when the Time-Eater appears.

Likewise, there are some changes in words spoken, but like other adaptaions there are plently of word-for-word quotes. Unfortunatly, there's not much changed or added. It's more or less the same thing as the first cutscene but with classic Sonic standing around at the end. It's very short, too.

Ranking (S=good, F=bad): C-

Nothing important. If the art wasn't as clean and shiny as it is, I would have ranked this lower.

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