Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Sonicomics: "Sonic Unleashed!"

"Did you--" Yes.

"In another time...In another place..." Oh No.

It starts in the middle of the first cutscene and doesn't go much further. The words are different, but it's mostly just a very lame, unexciting version of the first cutsecne.

I love Unleashed, and was hoping for something a bit better. Sonic travelling with Chip, explaining what happened to Tails if needed.

The first cutscene was exciting and this version is the complete opposite. Art is nothing special. It's short and doesn't make sense. "Why did I turn into this...Werehog?" Coin that name yourself, Sonic?

Final Score (S is good, E is bad): E

It's an insult to the game.

Thank goodness for the Shattered World Crisis. It wasn't as accurate to the beginning of the story, but I'm starting to think that's a good thing.

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