Monday, February 24, 2020

Sonicomics: "Time for a Comeback" (Sonic 4 Ep 2)

"Time for a Comeback" has nice art. The colors are light and action is portrayed in a fast and neat way.

"How To Over-Use Quotes," by Ian Flynn

Since Sonic 4 doesn't have a set-in-stone plot, Flynn actually had to get creative with this one. The flashbacks are enjoyable, but it makes this feel more like a Sonic CD adaption than Sonic 4.

Ultimately, though, there's not a lot here. It's basically Tails saying he wants to go on an adventure with Sonic. I think there could have been a bit more between the two than that.

Final Ranking (Best S-Worst E): C+

Tails and Metal Sonic in particular look very accurate. Visuals are good, flashbacks are good, intro was good. Main story? Blek.

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