Thursday, February 27, 2020

Sonicomics: "Racing for the Stars" (Sonic All-Star Racing Transformed)

Looks like we're "In another time, another place" again...

The art in this one feels very chunky. While the cars have plenty of small details on them, they don't look eye-catching. It's...I don't know, chunky. Sonic looks awesome, but Tracy Yardley clearly isn't as familiar with these other Sega characters. He does alright, but it's not a consistent style. Tails and the rest of the humans...chunky. The bland background...chunky.

It's not all Yardley, but also who did the coloring: Steve Downer. It's a lot of orange and's all very bland. The cars don't stand out much, either. The cover for this one is equally boring. This issue is not fun...with the exception of Sonic and Eggman...this issue is lifeless.

So instead of the old "Sonic: Blue Blur," "Tails: twin-tailed hero," etc...instead of those intro/descriptions that became an Archie staple in the Sonic series, there's nothing. Just a jump straight in. Maybe since these are other characters that the "average reader" knows nothing of, they should get a stupid intro-box?!

The story is...a lot of words. The characters are constantly mentioning different things about each other...things the "average" reader knows nothing about. Show, don't tell please. And it is shown a little...but is graffiti-ing Eggman's car really doing much?

It's just really annoying. Rather than making the characters interesting or likeable, they're either boring or irritating.

So many...meaningless words...

And why are they racing? You got me. Plus Sonic throws in a comment about thinking about racing on foot. WHAT? That's not going to confuse people further!

To top it off, the ending is "a cop out." The old, "you play and choose the winner." While defeating Eggman makes for an optimistic conclusion, the rest makes this a petty lead-in.

Final Ranking (Best S-Worst E): D-

A bland cast, a bland setting, a bland plot. Best part is Sonic's smug expressions and Tails sticking his tongue out at Eggman. 

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