Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Sonicomics: "Sonic Dash"

Like with Sonic Jump, Sonic Dash is a mobile game with no "real" story.

Luckily in this case, it's written a bit better. The issue does an amazing thing; it shows off everyone's unique personality in five pages.

Why is this such a big deal? Because when IDW started it's new comic series, each of these side-characters (Tails, Knuckles, Amy) got an entire issue devoted to introducing them. With repetitively the same plot but different characters, the trick got old fast.

Little did the critics of this move know, Ian Flynn very well could summarize what's important about all these characters in one issue. Sonic Dash, an old Archie adaption.

Tails is the sidekick; he's ready to help. Knuckles is the friendly rival, and Amy is the crazed fan-girl. Sonic's the hero, but he's also the show-off. All of this is clear in this fun little story.

The main problem, though, is the lack of official details. What purpose do "Red Star Rings" really serve and why do they need them?


Yeah. There's not much to that gimmick. And while the different personalities are what make this issue, you can't actually race four at one time. Or, you couldn't when I played it...

The art is very impressive, especially with expressions and reactions. Jenifer Hernandez also uses different unique points of views so the constant running doesn't get old. I also like how the first panel mirrored the game's 3D art.

Final Score (Best S-Worst E): B+

This is defiantly one of the best adaptions, and considering this is based of an app, it's awesome work. However, as a whole it's too short to be of much value.     

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