Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Sonicomics: "Sonic Rush"

"Did you know? Blaze the Cat makes her debut in Sonic Rush." No Shxt! So does the boost, if you recall. It, like most Sonic handheld games, is 2-D. Actally it was the first with 2-D.5 technology, and the first Sonic DS-game.

Sonic Rush is easily one of my favorite games. It's gameplay was fun, Blaze was unique, and it's story was interesting and sweet.

I'm less enthusiastic about this comic. Split in two parts, the adaptation is "loose" at best.

First off, the art is bad. it's not just the small details...like making Blaze's tail WHITE at the end...it's awkward. Both body proportions and expressions are off. It's not the worst I've seen from Archie, but definitely not the best. The colors are also awkward, but it's the backgrounds that really suffer from it.

This whole "dream plot" is something completely different from the games, but starts with an interesting premise I guess. Blaze's dialogue seems clunky and unnatural compared to the games.

Unlike most of these, this is not "in another time, another place," this is in the main comic where there's locations like Knothole and robots like Swatbots roaming around. Unfortuantly that's about it. No Blaze running into Sally or other Freedom Fighters.

Blaze has a brief, powerful moment...and then is knocked-out. Literally with a fist to the head. Uh...

While amusing to read the little bits from the bots and Sonic, I can't help wondering what's with the Swatbot base near Knothole. I'm not familiar with this age of the comics...it doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

Although the plot for part 1 is kind of interesting, it has nothing to do with the beloved game and it overall: awkward.

Part 2 kicks off with a fight--perhaps some version of the Sonic/Blaze fight in the game. The reason for the fight here is kind-of stupid. They keep thinking instead of talking, and the moves Blaze shows off are a bit of an exaggeration. Unlike the tie in the game, Sonic wins this fight. In the game, this was a big moment...Blaze admits how much she has on her shoulders. Sonic tries to convince her he can help. Here, not so much.

Blaze leaves without even listing her name, claiming she'll haunt Sonic's dreams...WTF? I'm not sure if some version of the game takes place after this, or if they don't meet again until SRA. It seems they don't meet until the comic version of SRA...

Final Ranking (S is best, E worst) : D   

The ending was very anti-climatic. The art was bad. The story wasn't accurate. Slightly humorous, but it doesn't do the game justice at all.

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