Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Sonicomics: "Sonic Jump"

Do you remember when it was just "Sonic Jump" and not "Sonic Jump Fever?" Me neither.

Adapting a mobile game...that's a little surprising. I mean, there are plenty of other games that haven't gotten attention but, sure. An app. That'll last long.

The Flickies and other animal friends are drawn adorable. Eggman is impressive. But Jennifer Hernadez's Sonic's a little off. His appearance is acceptable but not his best. The background and colors are both done well.

This story's hard to follow. I assume Eggman sees Sonic ("Stupid, Persistent...") and then goes to attack him. Shouldn't Sonic be in the background, then? Then Sonic offers some smart comments while Eggman makes an escape.

This works well as a lead in--and since it's for an app--the shorter length was okay. But it doesn't feel like anything new. The "jump" element is shown in a very basic way. There's just not much to it.

Final Ranking (Best S-Worst E): D

Too much bland banter. Nothing much here.

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