Friday, February 7, 2020

Sonicomics: "Knight Time" (Sonic and the Black Knight)

"Did you know? Each rival is based on Arthurian legend and resemble Sonic's Rivals." Yes. DID YOU know the Jet and Silver were supposed to have roles in the story but got cut due to time?

"Another Time, Another Place."


I like Sonic and the Black Knight. The story was so good!

Yet all this adaptation is only the 1st cutscene. Literally. Word-for-word. How is Ian Flynn even considered a "writer" for this?

If the art was top notch, I'd be okay with this. But it's average at best. Yardley's pencils are bland and fail to convey the action and movement of the opening. It doesn't try to mimic the story book style at all, opting for shades akin to the main comic. The colors are stale and inaccurate. Only positive portions are the amour--it looks a lot better than Merlina.

This comic is pointless. It changes nothing and makes the cutscene look ten times lamer than it is.

Score (S=the best, E=the worst): E

Disappointing. I hate to have that score since I enjoyed the game so much, but it's nothing but untapped potential.

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