Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Sonicomics: "High Stakes on the High Sea" (Sonic Rush Adventure)

"Did you know? Marine the Raccoon makes her debut in Sonic Rush Adventure." YES I KNOW THAT. WHO DOESN'T?!

This time instead of another time/place, we get "another day...another adventure." I guess because these events actually happen?

We immediately run into Marine...dialogue slightly different. I can appreciate the mushrooms in the background--signs of Plant Kingdom...except that's on a different island! It's not seagul island, it's windmill Island! Add in Marine's pirate-ish (instead of Australian) accent, and it's clear they didn't have much to go on when writing this one.

Dialogue is (as I said), different, but not bad. The art isn't bad, either. It fits with the rest of the comic series.

The whole issue's like that, really. Different, but not in a bad way. I do wish Johnny was on his boat--it made him clear he was a different kind of rival (because running is WAY overdone).

We also have an ending (provided by Sonic Universe # 1). Like before, it's similar to the game but different overall. The last bit is added by Marine and it's a cute/funny way of ending it.

Final Score (S is best, E worst): C

There's not much to it, but it's cute.

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