Thursday, December 31, 2020

This Year (2020)


Ah, Sega's been quiet on that subject, and the fans are seeing magical 3s everywhere...(never-ending SA3 speculation). 

New "runners" have been added to the various apps, such as a spy-inspired "Elite Rouge" and a elfish "Jingle Belle Amy." Sega also created a meme of their own in March when they made "Irish the Hedgehog" a "reality." 


The Sonic Movie came out back in Feb (IN THEATERS), making it one of the more successful family movies of the year. 

It introduced new characters such as humans Tom and Maddie as well as other surprises. It established new origins for Sonic and Robotnik, and also hinted at Tails. A new song for the movie, "Speed Me Up," was also released. 


The Metal Virus Saga stretched well into the world's own pandemic, with some issues being pushed back in the summer. However, now that's come to a close and a new arc has started.

A spin-off starring the series villainous characters is currently running as well. Artist and "fan favorite," Evan Stanley has taken over as lead writer for the main series. 

That's about it.    

Monday, December 28, 2020

Is IDW Amy...Amy?

Amy Rose has come along way from being chased and carried away by robots. Character development is a good thing, yet...I don't know how I feel about IDW Amy. 

Back when the series was announced I assumed Tangle would "be the new Sally," but it soon became clear that responsibility would fall upon Sonic's other main flame: Amy. 

 Though Knuckles headed the freedom fighters resistance in Sonic Forces, Flynn never bothered trying to make Knuckles into a leader. Instead Amy became the leader of the Restoration and helped keep people together during the Zombot rein of terror saga. Currently she's helping Cream out, and...let's just say her days of pulling out a hammer whenever Sonic talks to another girl are over. 

Amy's crush evolved her into a fan-girl. She did start to grow out of this once before, but then the games flipped her back where she started. Her Sonic Boom portrayal was more mature, but that was literally a whole other world. Still, it seemed to impact her in Forces. And now IDW? 

I think that might be the problem? She acts more like Boom Amy than Amy, except Sonic knows about her crush. On the other hand, Archie Amy never really hit the fan-girl faze, usually just being too young yet more mature than her game maybe it's Archie Amy without Sally around...?

I liked the crazy, angry, fan-girl Amy seen in the 2000s and maybe most famously in Sonic X.  Girlish and immature, it may she may not have had the calm of a leader, but that didn't stop Cream, Cheese, and Big from helping her. Amy's peppy and sometimes crazy attitude made her unique and memorable. 

Still, I didn't mind it when games like Sonic Unleashed tried to have her grow up a bit. I don't dislike Boom Amy, either, but she seems a bit cynical or judgmental, and that wasn't really a part of her personality before. 

If Amy had flaws, it was jealously and a quick temper--neither seem prevalent in IDW. In the comics the only problem she has is second-guessing herself. She doubts herself and then pulls herself together to get whatever she needs done...but isn't that just a bit too perfect? I'd like an outburst here or there, at least, but this version of Amy always keeps her annoyance under lock and key... 

I just don't know whether to applaud Flynn for developing Amy into a smart leader (without making her a clone of Sally), or criticize him for changing a character from the start instead of letting progress come on its own (she actually assumes this new role in her first appearance). 

Let's not get started on Blaze...

Friday, December 25, 2020

Sonic Rush Adventure Review

Rank @ end.


A Rush title is bound for greatness...but did it improve from the first game or drift in some other direction?

Gameplay and Controls

Like it's predecessor it has relatively simple controls. This time there's even a tutorial to help out, making it an ideal transition for classic or modern fans alike. I would appreciate it if certain moves could use the R or L button rather than just the R, though. 

The boost makes it easy to zip through, though those reliable classic moves are still present as well. 

Level Design and in-level Gimmicks

As far as looks go, it's a bit disappointing at first. It's nice and sunny, but this is another dimension. Sky Babylon was the only level that really seemed to capitalize on that. A lot of the early levels, like Plant Kingdom, are honestly kinda' bland. However the later zones like Haunted Ship are far more interesting. 

The placement allows things to run smoothly without too many bottomless pits, but they're still a bit of a nuisance (insert Blaze picture here). 

This game has some interesting parts to keep things new. Some, like the snow boarding in Blizzard Peaks, are outstanding. Others, like the minecart or the balloon (in other stages) seem fine for the first act and then are too challenging/slow in the second. Pirate Island seems too overwhelmed with it's features, though the dolphin idea was cute. 

Characters and Plot

I like Marine, which I'll cover in a moment. But I regret that Marine's character growth comes at the expense of Sonic Rush's Blaze the Cat. She doesn't show up until sometime later, and does not have her own story. Plus this is her dimension, but we don't get to see much of what makes it special or if she has any family or anything. 

Things do get better when she shows up, and there are some nice Sonic/Blaze moments as well as with Marine. Still, I think she should have been the main focus or at least been introduced quicker.  

Sonic and Tails are sucked into Blaze's dimension, a nice twist that would be great to see again. Tails kinda' goes the smart route and acts twice his age, which seems like a jerk-y thing to do since he's only a year older than Marine. Sonic also sorta' seems annoyed with taking the babysitter role, but handles it better than the others. 

Marine is annoying (but not nearly as bad as her Archie version, GAH). She's childish but has a drive for adventure and exploration, the theme of the game it seems. She takes risks but learns to listen as well, and even has a hand in the final ending. Like Blaze she's relatable, but more like someone's little sister or younger-self. 

I was really disappointed Whisker was not Nega in disguise. Johnny seems to be a SXXXXy rip off of Jet the Hawk. After the Eggmans inevitably reveal themselves, the robot-pirates don't have much dignity left. 


Music and Sound Effects

The music was a mix of mediocre/strange and awesome/amazing. Deep Core is quite addicting. The normal boss theme has voices that are catchy but weird. Plant Kingdom seems a bit odd for a first level, too. Pirates' Island is nice but not as fitting for the dangerous place it can be. Others like Coral Cave and Sky Bablyon were impressive, even some of the cutscenes' tunes, too. It's good as a whole, but some are far more suited than others. Though Act 2 is different, I miss the "Blazy Mix" idea.   

It was a bit disappointing that they reused voice clips. It would have been nice to give them some new catchphrases. Plus recording a new/separate laugh for Nega would have connected it to the Rivals series. There is new material for Whisker and Johnny, who have some amusing lines, but in contrast to her dialogue, Marine gets to be silent.   

Extras/Other Modes

The game introduced various boats and other vehicles that have to be used in different ways. The races with Johnny can be a NUISANCE (insert Blaze picture AGAIN). For things to work best, they've gotta' be upgraded with materials. If these were extra/bonus missions, it wouldn't be so bad, but a lot of this is required and ergo a pain. 

The "Southern Island" can be explored and cutscenes can be viewed. Music can be listened to, though some of it has to be unlocked through extra tasks. It's a clever way to make the game worth playing after the story has run it's course, but some of the missions are just insane. 

Final Thoughts 

  • Is it just me, or does the treasure chest make a Pacman noise at the end of every level?
  • The ending was cute. 
  • I liked that one of the Hidden Islands' layout is very similar to Leaf Storm. 
  • Even though I'd rather see Blaze, I would like to see Marine again or have her mentioned more. 
    • On the flip side, I'd like to see Blaze socialize with Cream more. 
    •  While we're at it, more Sonic-Blaze team-ups, please!
  • This is the final Rush game. Colors DS is NOT. 

Final Ranking (S-E): B

It slipped into an average ranking. While it includes many improvements, it was not as impressive. It added some unnecessary ideas that weigh it down. I like the story, but it could have been more.

It's a good sequel and DS game. Fans of the original will easily adjust to the style. However, it does not surpass the original.     

So is this like a water-power, or what?

Quote of the Month

"I am the guardian of the Sol is a fate that forces me to live with my flames...Because of my powers I have always been alone. It's also why I must do this alone! IT IS MY RESPONSIBILITY."
--Blaze the Cat, Sonic Rush

Friday, December 18, 2020

ShtH is Better than Heroes (Conclusion)

I like Sonic Heroes. It's a good character driven game and introduced some fascinating concepts. Unfortunately while it easily snags the title of "fan-favorite," Shadow the Hedgehog is teased. 

Heores was good, but it was not without it's flaws. ShtH had it's own problems, but overall it was a better game than Heroes: 

Shadow was more experimental. It was character driven, but in a different way. Instead of focusing on the power of team work, its themes expanded to identity, revenge vs justice, and right vs wrong. 

Best way to use a keyboard.

I don't think ShtH was perfect, but it does not deserve to be treated like a big joke. They went overboard with the "edgy" qualities and over-dramatized the guns. No one complained about the GUNS in Sonic Forces because they were unrealistic and called a silly name (Wispon). The guns in ShtH were not realistic in the slightest: oversized, alien, and...whatever the heck the Omachao gun is. They were fun and helped differ the game from a typical Sonic one (though as a reminder, Gamma!). The game is not nearly as over-the-top as the intro.  


Between the two, there were many parts I felt tied. Graphics are practically the same. The plot varies--while the end twist was better in Heroes I'm not sure that applies to the whole game (a letter from Eggman saying he's taking over the world, seriously? Alien invasion was an epic way to start in comparison). Voice Acting also varied--for many of the original cast Heroes was their best game and for the 4kids ShtH was maybe their worst. However Charmy's voice in ShtH was still better than his original voice, and the same could be said about many other characters. Most notably with Shadow...David Humphrey was great, but Jason Griffith immediately matched the character perfect. Ryan Drummond was doing his best take on Sonic at that point, though. So those were all debatable points that I felt neither "won."


Shadow the Hedgehog still beat Heroes in many other categories, with replay value being the most notable. Again, while I don't hate Heroes, I don't think it quite deserves the credit it gets. Meanwhile ShtH deserves a lot more. 

A step farther: Shadow the Hedgehog deserves a sequel. Tails and Knuckles are good characters but to have them go solo would be out of character nowadays. Silver's backstory(s) are too unclear. I'd like to see a Blaze spin-off maybe the most, but she lacks the popularity and is not as easily recognized. 

Shadow can go off on his own, has clear origins, and is "the 2nd most popular character in the canon." Sonic 06 improved from Shadow the Hedgehog, and Forces showed there's still a chance for the character. If he were to star in his own title they could fix their mistakes while keeping what made the game fun. Unfortunately, Sega no longer takes risks, and a spin-off starring another character, Shadow or otherwise, WILL NEVER HAPPEN. We can hope for another "episode/story," though...     

Underground is Better than Sat Am (Conclusion)

He looks like a train, lol. BTW, Kath Soucie (Sally's voice) also voiced the Little Train that Could, lol

Sat Am was good for what it was, but when it comes to which Sonic cartoon is better, Sat Am falls pretty low. Sonic X had the "closer to canon" advantage of being made past games like Sonic Adventure. AoStH had a strong Sonic/Tails bond and memorable ytp moments with Robotnik, Scratch, Grounder, and Coconuts.

A lot of people did not like Underground, though. It was close to Sat Am, but that wasn't good enough. They wanted Sat Am back, and didn't get it I guess (THE COMICS WEREN'T GOOD ENOUGH?!) 

Sonic Underground was different and complex, but it had advantages over Sat Am. Slight animations and visual improvements. The cast of characters were smaller but better and more focused. The origins were more in-depth. Bringing the show ever-so-slightly closer to the games. Having an epic intro, an improved plot, still fairing at it's worst.  It's "dark" moments out did Sat Am's "dark" tone, it had longer and superior episode arcs, and the episodes were more impactful.  

Sonic Underground the power to challenge the other cartoons, but Sat Am can't compete. It had less episodes, it was the second oldest, it had odd comedy and foolish characters. While it's large cast, relationships, and more dangerous Robotnik were admirable, the execution left much to be desired. It's disadvantages are simply not easy to ignore, especially with the praise the show receives from fans. 

I like Sat Am and would likely rate it above Boom and the OVA. However it's extremely overrated for what it is. Sonic X is probably overrated, too, but it deserves the attention. Sat Am created some memorable characters that had better lives in the comics. It is not nearly as spectacular as long-time fans say. 

Underground is similar to Sat Am, and I think there are hints it was supposed to be in the same universe (such as the absence of Tails). But Underground improved upon the former while giving itself new life. The singing may not have been the highlight, but Manic and Sonia fit the world of Sonic even better than Sally and the Freedom Fighters. It's a real shame it's never gotten the same affection.  


ShtH is Better Than Heroes (Part 10)


Sonic Heroes tried to do some small things to keep it playable past the story, but it was easy to immediately loose interest. Shadow's unique style guaranteed a difference, though. 


A lot of Heroes' extra features come at the cost of emblems or A-Ranks, which are not easy to get. As covered last post, the missions are another alternative option, but there's no real motivation to play them. 

With the different teams and emeralds, finishing the game is a bit more challenging than others. Still, once it's done it's not quite the same. While a fan of the levels and characters will want to return, the complex gameplay elements (fly, make a wind tornado, etc), missions (Chaotix), and length (levels) make it have less appeal. 


Shadow's story and mission layout create endless possibilities over 300 combinations. The paths lead to the same six choices, yet the shape of that path can be changed with ease. 

The locations have their challenges, but they aren't forced, either, since the missions are technically optional. There is a large amount of characters, but you don't see them all at once like Heroes. One could play an entire storyline without encountering Rouge, or another without encountering Tails. The only constant characters are Sonic and Black Doom since they both appear in the first level. The simple controls also aid this game in comparison to Heroes. 

Also, since the game has a fast start (alien invasion!) it's easier to return to than Heroes' slower, drawn-out plot. Seeing Shadow's different personalities and actions (such as sparing or eliminating Eggman) is an added bonus. 

Outside of the story, A-Ranks are more realistic and so is expert mode, giving gamers more to do.     


Shadow the Hedgehog has a longer lasting effect than Heroes, or most other Sonic games. 

In the "classic" days level design and different pathways helped keep the game fresh. The transitional era had interesting locations but mainly only one way to go. Shadow used its missions, characters, and story to solve this problem. 

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Underground is better than Sat Am (Part 10)

Best/Memorable Moments

The Sat Am cartoon had some good moments, but Underground fared better overall. 

Sat Am

When I think about what was good with Sat Am, Sonic and Sally immediately come to mind. Though they didn't have an entire episode focused on their relationship, it would show up from episode to episode. In one case Sonic is talking in his sleep about the love of his life, gathering Sally's attention...until she realizes he's talking about Chilidogs. In the end they take down the Doomsday machine together. Even though Sally could get annoyed with Sonic's immature attitude, they were close and hinted at their affection for each other.  

The episodes with Uncle Chuck were surprisingly emotional and memorable as well. The Void, while an odd ball, is fascinating for revealing the fate of Sally's father as well as changing Nicole's personality. The time travelling two-parter, "Blast to the Past," is always memorable, too. 



It make have had some lame episodes, but the good ones easily come to mind. 

Easily one of my favorites is an episode with Manic. After finding their birth place, he finally feels the sense of "home" he never had before and wants to stay. In the sweet end, he realizes this siblings are his home. Manic also proves his worth in episodes like "Three Hedeghogs and A Baby."

Sonia has a few memorable centric episodes herself, like when she was torn between her brothers and her old lifestyle in "The Price of Freedom" and "The Last Resort." Even Bartley became less of a dXXX after Robotnik accused him of a crime he did not commit.    

In another case the group turns a (practically E-series) robot called ARRT to their side, and ARRT saves them at personal risk. Cyrus' debut is also notable. And how about the 3-parter co-staring Knuckles?   

Who can't resist when they met their egypt-ish ancestor and find he looks like Sonic? Or when they travel dimensions and find they are their own worst enemy...

Sonic's re-occurring fear of water is something that set the show apart, as well as Manic's impulse thievery and Dingo's weird crush on Sonia. 


Sat Am's best moments revolved around it's characters and it's balance between serious and comedic. A lot of the episodes seemed too similar, though, and blur together. Parts of Underground were better than others, but it seemed like they tried to keep the plots more unique. In total, the risk was worth the reward because the moments in Underground pile up in comparison to Sat Am.  

SthH is better than Heroes (Part 9)

Part 9: Missions

Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic Heroes has some similar ideas, but executed them differently. 

In Heroes, most of the teams simply had to make it to the goal in time, but Team Chaotix was cursed with a different outcome: doing random errands for their client. Eggman fully deserved the beating Charmy gave him.

In most of these levels the team would have to collect, interact with, or destroy something. For example, in Mystic Mansion they have to blow out all of the red torches. While the idea of exploration was nice for Knuckles and Rouge in the Adventure series, those two had different gameplay and an area designed differently to take advantage of that. 

Of course Seaside Hill for Chaotix is the same for them as with any other group...except they have to collect crabs! 

While the challenge kept them unique, some stages were better than others.

Additionally each level has an alternate goal for each team. Team Sonic, for example, has to complete the stage in a given time. They aren't very fun and seem tiresome. Except for emblems and A-ranks, there's not a real reason to work on them. 

Things are different in Shadow the Hedgehog. The missions are always optional, though they have to be completed in order to get any ending other than the pure neutral ones. Almost every stage therefore has the possibility to simply get to the goal in time.  

While similar to the Chaotix's style, there is more variety. Sometimes Shadow has to destroy a certain amount of enemies, or in other cases he has to take out a large tank or blimp. Similar to "Find the Lost Chao," Amy asks him to find Cream and then Cheese. Eggman asks Shadow to activate defense systems for him while Maria wants to help injured researchers in The Doom. There are more options and they fit the plot. They don't seem as random or demeaning. 

It also makes for good contrast, like in Central City where he has to either activate or sweep up bombs.  

Not all of them are easy. Both Black Doom and Espio expect a lot in Mad Matrix, and let's not forget finding the computer room with Vector. Still, it's balanced out by other stages. In the Ark Shadow can either shoot down the space colony's defenses or ride a Black Arms bird-thing around. Tails asks for help collecting rings in a stage where ringing a bell gives 50. 

Missions can be interesting and can reflect how well a player knows the game. However I'm a fan of options rather than requirements, and that makes ShtH the batter choice by far.    

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Underground is Better the Sat Am (Part 9)

 Pilots and Multi-episodes

The pilots of these shows are not as strange as AoStH's or Sonic X's 2 pilots. They were just normal episodes ( far as we know?). They both establish the basics of the shows, but Sat Am gets a few points off because...

Sally's different appearance, which...actually may have been cuter. No explanation, though, just confusion that affected the comics and Sally's color scheme in her random AoStH Christmas Blast appearance.

Let's not forget that Rotor's look randomly changes in season 2 as well. 

Also, Nicole is a bulky as heck!    

"Blast From the Past" was an awesome 2-parter. It had time travel! Sonic and Sally facing their younger-selves! Chuck, Sal's father, the surprising origins of the robotisizer! Snively with hair?!

Still, the time stones were not accurate, or the "floating island" (where's little planet?). Plus Sonic being an adult in the opening when...well...

Small problems aside, it was still a lovable 2 episodes. 

Though there wasn't one like it again, the second season did have a bit of a story-arc as they gathered what they could to fight the Doomsday Machine.


Underground has 3-part episodes, though, that out-do all those.

The origins saga is a bit stronger in the beginning (literally) as it shows how they met each other and set out on their quest to find there mother. The first episode is strong, but the others are flat in comparison. Still, it takes the time to explain some things, like how Manic lacks his siblings quick attacks but has the more powerful instrument.   

The next is a trio of episodes featuring Knuckles, who has returned after his initial appearance. It has some bizarre twists, like Chaos-Dingo or whatever, but the addition of Knuckles makes it a better set, even if his voice isn't the best. 

It's always hilarious interesting to see Knuckles get tricked (gotta' feeling this at least partly--along with Sonic 3 obviously--influenced Sonic X). It's also nice to see them pair Sonia up with someone who isn't a rich jXXXXXX more her speed. Adding a character from the comics was a bit odd, but he's sort of like Knuckles' version of the Oracle and fits right in. 


Alone I think "Blast to the Past" might be better than one of these "sagas," but together it's defiantly a win for Underground. Combined with the funny-looking pilot, and Sat Am's at a disadvantage. 

This might have been from Underground's pilot (not that different than normal).

Monday, December 14, 2020

Underground is Better than Sat Am (Part 8)

"Dark" Moments 

Though the cartoons Sonic Underground and Sonic the Hedgehog had their downsides, they had some surprisingly good themes. 

Something seen in both is that sometimes winning meant losing something, too. 

Sat Am

Even in it's pilot, "Sat Am" began to show this theme up-front in center, with Sonic facing his robotized dog. 

A character called Cat saved Sally and Antione but at the cost of his own freedom. 

Another character called Ari betrayed Sonic to save his fellow freedom fighters, but Robotnik had no intention of keeping the deal. Ari then helped Sonic, but was lost in the mysterious "Void."

Ari was later saved from the Void, but Sally's father, who was also banished there, could not leave. 

The show's end had a rather dramatic moment where Sonic was nearly robotized and Robotnik nearly won.  

By far the deepest moment, though, was the events of "Ultra Sonic," where Sonic is reunited with his Uncle, only for the robotisized hedgehog to revert to his mechanical, enslaved personality. 

In similar spirit, they later find away to break through to him again, but he remained physically robotisized.  


In a similar fashion, Underground quickly made a habit of having the hedgehog-siblings believe they were close to reuniting with their mother just to keep them apart. 

As mentioned before, in Underground's first chronological episode, "Beginnings," Sonic's adoptive parents are taken to be robotized, his home is set ablaze, and he cries. In the same episode the siblings various family-figures are robotized and they are left to find their mother alone.  

A friend of Sonic's, Cyrus, falls into a plan similar to Ari's, but begins to have doubts. He breaks down and admits it's a trap, but the lion's father was already assimilated robotisized. He actually reunites with his father, but does not have long with him. 

In another episode with an idea similar to Sat Am, Sonia is conned and believes de-robotisization is possible. 

Sonia falls for a character called Stripes, and he grows affection for her, but has no trouble betraying her brothers. 

A a guard who worked for Queen Aleena is caught and robotisized before he could fully help them. 

The group rescued a baby and Manic grew fond of it, calling him "Hip." Turned out that Hip was a robot made to spy on them and find their "Sanctuary."

A robot called ARRT decided to betray Robotnik and join their cause, but it didn't end well for him.  


The hard truth: neither of these shows are dark. Looking back, Sonic X may have been the darkest show--yes, even the dub. That does not take away from either of these, though, because it's nice to see some emotion mixed in with the more light-hearted themes Sonic thrives on. 

Sat Am was colored with deeper shades and tried to shoot for a cloudier mood. Dstyopic, with cold-blooded Robotnik and the threat of Robotisization, it's easy why fans refer to it as "dark."

However it never really affected Sonic himself except for where Uncle Chuck was concerned. Likewise when Sally had a hint of her father, it was swept away even quicker. It had its moments, but the random comedy (and it's not Sonic I'm referring to) offset the balance.  

Underground was more stable. It has wacky, silly moments but they did not seem out of place because the show didn't strive to be "dark." Instead they let the serious parts fit in naturally, usually making the reveal a surprise. 

Though it's tone was more of a mix of Sat Am and AoStH, overall it did have it's dire moments. Out of those Sat Am characters and events, the only two that seemed truly devastating were the "loss" of Uncle Chuck and Sonic's near-robotisization. Both of these issues were resolved. Ultimately Hip, Argus, ARRT, and Cyrus ended up being more memorable than the likes of Cat. I'll give Ari a bit more credit, but they did save him after all. 

To make things worse, Underground based it's entire existence around a tragedy: kids without their mother. And it was cancelled before that could ever be concluded. 

Sat Am went for a darker tone, but Underground improved the idea.