Monday, March 8, 2021

Sonic Shuffle OST Review


Being somewhat rare, Sonic Shuffle is sort of the "forgotten" Sonic game. It's never been released off Dreamcast, and I've never played it so I don't know how it is. The music, though, is rather unique. I was kind of expecting it to be relatable to Sonic Adventure, but instead it has a mix of it's own. Mainly there are two themes, one that is upbeat or peaceful but ultimately happy, and one that is darker and more threatening. Seems to fit in with the light/dark element of the game.  

Best Song: Fourth Dimension

Runner-Up (s): Wave Taste, Love Poison, Quick Advance, Nice Vacation, Summer Mirage

It's a track filled with mystery yet still an energetic beat. 

Worst Song: Sombrero

Runner Up (s): Rave About Me, Mary Go Round, Hi Tata

All together an odd track featuring some "hillbillly" music and odd grunts.

Final Ranking: B

While it's kinda' weird at points, that doesn't make it bad. Like the game, it's underrated. However some of it just seems bland or not really memorable. It's good but not expectation-shattering. 

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