Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Tails Sky Patrol OST Review


Hey, I'm glad the Archie comics added elements from the games. But Tails' Sky Patrol? Uh, why? It's pretty obscure the there were plenty less-obscure games that could have used some attention...

As for music, it's not very good. Being on the Game Gear sets it behind, but it does nothing to try and be more. Lame and impactful, in total its wacky tracks are worse than those from an old Mario game. Not a good start for Tails, no. 

Best Song: Ruin Wood Area (first half)

Runner-Up (s): Bearenger

This is one of the better ones because it's exploratory and there's a hint of danger but it's not weird. 

Worst Song: Carrotia

Runner Up (s): Wendy Witchcart, Continue

It's like a demented circus and yet it's kind of happy. 

Final Ranking: E

I hate to be this harsh, but this might be the worst Game Gear OST yet. Quality is already out. The tunes don't make up for it at all. They...just seem a cross between silly and childish. I know, this is Tails, not Sonic...yet if judging Tails based on this music, he in no way deserves a spin-off. Especially since Knuckles had such a jammin' soundtrack with the Chaotix. 

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