Friday, March 12, 2021

Sonic Adventure 2 OST Review


Sonic Adventure 2 is loved by Sonic fans, with many calling it the best 3D Sonic game and the best made in the 2000s (of course, I think those people forget about things like Route 101). It's soundtrack would also gain attention, with songs like "Live and Learn" and "City Escape" becoming inseparable from the Sonic franchise. 

The music in Sonic Adventure was pretty good, but at points it seemed divided or unfocused. Sonic Adventure 2 was able to create a harmonious mesh by focusing not just on the locations, but on the characters. This allowed for different genres and styles to coexist but also overlap with in the different types of settings. 

Best Song: Rhythm and Balance (White Jungle)

Runner-Up (s): Keys the Ruin, Vengeance is Mine, 3 Black Noises, Unstable World, The Supernatural, For True Story, Supporting Me, Canon's Core Ver 2, Lovely Gate 3, Trespasser, Last Scene, Aquatic Mine, Escape from the City 

Took a while to decide, but this one is an edgy, addictive creation. Sound effects give it a wild, "jungle" feel while the percussion even makes it sound like it's raining. Distant lyrics. Awesome drums, too. 

Worst Song: Down in the Base (Hidden Base)

Runner Up (s): Rumbling HWY/Mission Street, Kick the Rock/Wild Canyon 

This song is extremely catchy, but there's a constant high pitched noise that makes me think my ear is ringing, and I feel like the Tails tracks can be kind of forgettable. Doesn't help that in the actual game the songs are murdered by annoying beeps and shouting. 

Best Vocal Song: It Doesn't Matter

Runner-Up (s): Live and Learn, Throw It All Away, Fly in the Freedom

I love "Live and Learn," and it probably should get this honor. But after hearing it so many times, it's kind of gotten repetitive. "It Doesn't Matter" is carefree, confident, 2000s-esque song really matches Sonic's attitude and character.   

Worst Vocal Song: Believe in Myself (My Sweet Passion doesn't count)

Runner Up (s): Unknown from M.E., E.G.G.M.A.N.-?

While the instrumentation is fine, I don't like the singing as much. It seemed better in Sonic Adventure and I feel like switching to a male singer may have been better way to change it up and for Tails in general.  

Final Ranking: S

Sonic Adventure 2 successfully improves upon the previous title. There's a mix of different music, but none of it is really bad or even out of place. The worst things I can say about it is that some of the lyrics (cough-cough-Knuckles) are cheese and that there's some super 2000s-y songs. However it's still extremely impressive and has heart, earning it's place as one of the best OSTs in the series.       

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