Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Sonic 2 OST Review


Sonic 2's sound track is a huge improvement over the first game, which was good to begin with. It sounds more natural yet has more of a complexity. Many of the songs are happy but have unique sounds that reflect the mood of the various locations. 

Best Song: Mystic Cave Zone (2-Player)

Runner-Up (s): Metropolis Zone, Mystic Cave Zone, Casino Night Zone (2-Player), Special Stage, Emerald Hill Zone, Chemical Plant, Ending (Sweet Dreams instrumental)

This one is creepy like the original, but it also has some playfulness to the combination and just sounds really cool. 

Worst Song: Hill Top 

Runner Up (s): Wing Fortress Zone, Hidden Palace (?)

So gross sounding. The tune itself is not bad, but the way they went about it leaves much to be desired. 

Final Ranking: B

It's really what I expect from "Classic Sonic" and reflective of the era. It, like the game as a whole, was Sonic 1 but better! 

There's just a few that are kind of annoying (mainly Hill Top). I really think it's one of the best Sonic-Genesis OSTs, but I'm still trying to be a bit "harsher" with my music ranks, which puts it at a B level.

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