Monday, March 15, 2021

Sonic CD JP OST Review


Sonic CD had 2 soundtracks, but in 2011 they were united in the rerelease. The JP OST has a bigger reputation, but I prefer the US one. Often I listen to the two OSTs together because I like them both a lot and I made a playlist out of it. However, I found that just listening to the OST alone and not thinking too much about comparing the two (staying away from the comments section, lol), that I was able to enjoy the soundtrack a lot better. Even the boss theme, which always annoys me, did not seem too bad.

The quality for the CD music is much better than a normal genesis game, so they were able to try new things. The Japanese soundtrack goes for a dance-techno vibe, using voice samples and clips along with dish-scratching and sirens. 

To go with the time travel motif, there is a song for the past, present, and two optional futures (good and bad). The thing I noticed way back when I first started listening to this OST: the bad futures are way more addictive than the good futures. Not that the good futures are bad, but they can seem kind of overly happy while the BFs sound like a robot rebellion. I like that the past has more of a retro feel, and the present is not to be ignored. Very good for its time. 

Best Song: Metallic Madness BF

Runner-Up (s): Wacky Workbench (all), Palm Tree Panic (all), Tidal Tempest Present/GF, Quartz Quadrant GF, Metallic Madness GF, D.A. Garden/Little Planet, Final Fever, Special Stage, Speed Up 

This one is an old favorite of mine, and it still holds up. It's a panic-driven beat with drum bursts and creepy voices. 

Worst Song: Boss

Runner Up (s): Stardust Speedway BF, Quartz Quadrant BF, Collision Chaos BF


Yes, this has not aged well. It's a mess of samples and just...does not sound good. It reeks of the 90s in the worst way.   

Best Vocal Song: Cosmic Eternity (Believe in Yourself)

Runner-Up (s): N/a

It's a pretty song with a nice long opening. As with both songs, I don't care for the male vocals, but at least in this one they feel like more of a compliment to the main, female singing. 

Worst Vocal Song: Sonic You Can Do Any Thing (Toot Toot Sonic Warrior)

Runner Up (s): N/a

I like this tune a lot. It's super catchy, has some power, and the song is cute. But the entire first 30 seconds, ugh. Sorry, I think the guy signing wrote it, but I wish it solely sung by Kieko Utoku.  

Final Ranking: A

I think it really beats a lot of the classic music out because it's a better quality and more complex. It is fun to listen to. Some of them are too 90s or just out of place/odd, but it's impressive in all.   

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