Friday, March 19, 2021

Sonic CD US OST Review


Sonic CD had two soundtracks. The US version originally got a bit of a bad rep because critics did not understand the change, but reception after the 2011 rerelease (which included both) has been better. Still, even critics seem to love "Sonic Boom" and are impressed with the fast production (1-2 months). 

One "problem" is that there are no US past tracks because they could not replace the JP ones. It's not really their fault, but it does make the past seem quite a bit different in a few cases (I'm not including the past in this because I considered them with the JP OST). 

Like with the JP OST, this was the first of its kind for the Sonic franchise in terms of quality. Instead of a high-speed techno flair, the US version takes on an atmospheric-rock vibe. I really love the US tracks because they play on emotion so well. The selection really matches the characters, too (be it energetic guitar for Sonic, menacing synth for Metal, or creepy laughs for Robotnik).   

Best Song: Stardust Speedway BF

Runner-Up (s): Quartz Quadrant (all), Metallic Madness (all), Stardust Speedway Pres/GF, Wacky Workbench Pres/BF, Tidal Tempest Pres/BF, Palm Tree Panic Pres/GF, Collision Chaos, Special Stage, Speed Up, Invincible

This is an obvious choice, but I just can't help it! There are so many good US tracks, and all of the Stardust Speedways are the best of the best, but this one in particular is something really special. I don't just mean out of CD, but the series as a whole. Relentless drums, synthesizers, guitar, vocals, is perfect for the stormy fight against Sonic's metallic rival, and it never gets old.  

Worst Song: Game Over

Runner Up (s): Zone Clear, Boss

It's a creepy mix of...basically people laughing. While it kinda' works for the boss themes because they've got more to it, this just kinda' seems meh. 

Best Vocal Song: Sonic Boom (Closing Version)

Runner-Up (s): N/a

"Sonic Boom" is legendary, and the closing is beautiful, edgy, heroic, sad, and happy all at once. The vocals now go a calmer route, the percussion is lively, the guitar solo is awesome, and I love how it switches to an acoustic guitar at the end.     

Worst Vocal Song: Sonic Boom

Runner Up (s): N/a

"Sonic Boom" is a great song with a lot of power and courage, but the closing version just out does it, especially just versus the intro version. 

Final Ranking: A

This OST is some of the best in the classic era (no disrespect to the limits of Genesis games, I still like 'em). All of the different instruments and moods really mix into something stunning. I have no complaints. 

The reason it is not an S rank, though, is the past. I did not have those tracks with this review because they are separate, yet when I think about the actual game I have to consider it. It's a constant reminder that this OST, however awesome it maybe, was not "original." 

It's a shame, too, because the past portions are mostly about exploration, which I think they could have hit very well. 

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