Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Sonic Rivals OST Review


Silver's reintroduction is the game with lots of racing and fighting, Sonic Rivals. But who knew it had such an AWESOME soundtrack?  

Best Song: Meteor Base Act 2

Runner-Up (s): Meteor Base 1, Death Yard Zones, Forest Falls 1/2 Colosseum Highway 1/2, Crystal Mountain 1/2, Sky Park Zone 1/2, Final Boss

This is epic, pure and simple. Awesome guitar, interesting sound effects to break it up and make it kinda creepy along side a tune that encourages the player to keep going.  

Worst Song: Confrontation

Runner Up (s): Win

It's fine, but it's sillier tone seems out of place compared to everything else. 

Final Ranking: A

HOLY COW. I was not expecting this. It's short and doesn't have as much variety, but, wow, this was a lot better than I was expecting. It's edgy, powerful, and kinda' dark at points but then there's cheeky little dish-scratches and voice clips and other things that balance it out for a combo that surprisingly works. 

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