Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Sonic Labyrinth OST Review


Wow, don't judge a game OST by its game. Sonic Laybrinth was not one of the better handheld titles, but the music isn't bad. There are still some "gross" tracks, mainly on account of the drums which sound more like sandpaper being smashed together at either ear. But once you get used to it...

Best Song: Smiley Bomb/Final Boss

Runner-Up (s): Ending, Boss, Scroll, Pinch, Continue, Act 1/3

Quite intimidating, this easily sounds like it could have come from a Sonic Advance title rather than from Labyrinth. Which is to say it's years ahead, in a way. 

Worst Song: Bonus Stage

Runner Up (s): Invincibility, Title, Act 2

Whoa that's annoying. The high pitched part, mainly, yikes. Not that the "sandpaper" drums help or anything. 

Final Ranking: D

The tracks have a lot of energy. Which, considering this a game where Sonic can't go fast, may have been a mistake. But it makes it one of the better, if not the best of the Game Gear games.

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