Monday, March 29, 2021

Sonic Battle OST Review



Sonic Battle is a fighting game and pretty good, but it's music is...not so good? A funky mix, it seems like this OST tried to be more than a Gameboy Game...but it was. And overall it doesn't do too well. 

Best Song: Chaos

Runner-Up (s): Crater, Emerl Confirmation, Holy Summit, Emerald Beach, Green Hill, Gimme Shelter

This is the one case where the guitars don't sound bad. A wacky tone gives the track momentum, and it's pretty cool. 

Worst Song: Mode Select

Runner Up (s): Battle on the Death Egg, Tails' Lab, Eggman plots, Happy theme, Battle Mode 

Bombardment, right at the game's start! Likeable in some crazy way, but it's so loud and harsh. 

Final Ranking: D

This is kinda' "so bad it's good?" Maybe. It can be very odd/annoying, but likable somehow. 

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