Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Sonic Chaos OST


Sonic Chaos was another Game Gear/8-bit special. As such, there's not much to say about it's quality.  

Best Song: Boss

Runner-Up (s): Turquoise Hill (GG), Rocket Shoes, Electric Egg, Sleeping Egg Zone (MS), Mecha Green Hill, Final Boss, Player Select (MS)

It's a menacing, in-trouble feel. It makes the bosses seem dangerous but also has a fast speed that keeps the fight going.   

Worst Song: Ending

Runner Up (s): Into (MS), Gigapolis Zone, 

By a long shot, the worst. Take the Tiny Chao garden and then butcher it further and this would be the result. It's supposed to be a happy, thanks for playing sort of song, but it's horrible. 

Final Ranking: D

If the gameplay seems like a generic Sonic 2,  the music is sadly far worse. While it has it's redeeming qualities, in total it's kind of terrible. 

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