Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Sonic 3D Blast (Sat) Review


Like Sonic CD, this "classic" game had two soundtracks. In this case, Sonic 3-D Blast received a new soundtrack for its rerelease on the Sega Saturn. Speaking of CD, this OST seems similar to parts of that game. It's as if the JP's love of techno and piano and the US' love of atmosphere and synthesizers fused together. 

That's not to say it doesn't have a voice of its own. The tracks are pretty unique. The music adapts to the different settings and acts and builds up as it goes along. Compared to the Genesis version...many of the songs that seemed good on the Genesis, like Diamond Dust and Volcano Valley, seem weaker. But the opposite, for songs like Green Grove and Spring Stadium, is also true. 

I've heard the Genesis OST was better. The Genesis version did have some gems, but I have to say this one is superior. Nothing is annoying, and generally it seems like an upgrade.  

This time the game also gets a theme, "You're My Hero," which is a cute song. It would really fit Amy Rose, I think, but it's kind of weird to think of it as the Flickies'.    


Best Song: Panic Puppet Zone Act 1

Runner-Up (s): Panic Puppet 2 , Gene Gadget 1/2, Rusty Ruin 1/2, Green Grove 1/2, Diamond Dust 1/2, Boss, Final Fight, You're My Hero

because of shadow No, kidding. Panic Puppet is just perfect for an intense final level. It's got a lot of fast energy, similar to something from Sonic Riders. It also slows for a beautiful yet sad piano. The song reflects the robot-filled h-e-double-hockey-sticks you're stuck in, but also that you have to save/protect the birds. 

Worst Song: Volcano Valley Act 1

Runner Up (s): Volcano Valley Act 2, Spring Stadium Act 2, Special Stage

I like the song alright. It kind of reminds me of Sonic and the Black Knight. If this were a level with swords or maybe a pirate theme, I wouldn't be calling it the worst. It's a heroic, marchin' through thing, but to me, it just doesn't suit a lava zone.   

Final Ranking: A

Impressive, this music gives 3-D Blast cool tracks and an identity. There's little to complain about. This soundtrack is just so much better than the game itself. 

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