Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Transitional Era Wrap-Up


Sonic Music from 98/9-2005

The music of the  Adventure series would help redefine what to expect in the world of Sonic music. 


Jun Senoue reused/remixed several tracks from his work on Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis) in Sonic Adventure. This was partially to introduce the music to Japanese audiences because 3D Blast was not released in Japan (or at the time, I think?). Senoue is the main composer for this era, composing (or mostly composing) Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes, and Shadow the Hedgehog

The "Sonic" band, Crush 40 (mainly featuring Jun Senoue on guitar and vocals by Johnny Gioeli), was formed shortly after Sonic Adventure (officially "Open Your Heart" was before they were a band). They would go on to create and/or cover almost 20 songs for the series.   

Total Scoring

S: 2
A: 0
B: 1
C: 5
D: 5
E: 1

Best Soundtrack of the Era:

Sonic Adventure 2 deserves the respect it gets. 

Best Handheld Music of the Era:

Funky, Sonic Advance 3 is like taking the best from the Gameboy games prior and turning it into something all its own. 

Most Underrated Console Music:

I'm calling this one a tie between Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog. Even though Heroes' main theme, final boss theme, Seaside Hill and maybe Bingo Highway are pretty well known, the rest of it seems underappreciated. 
Shadow the Hedgehog is even worse. Most fans don't realize this is where Shadow's theme ("All Hail Shadow") came from--or that the game has 6 vocal songs just for Shadow! Or that it has a few remixes from SA2. It's not forgettable, it's not generic, it doesn't get old. The music is excellent but has a bad name all because "Shadow has a gun!"

Most Overrated Console Music:

The music of Sonic Adventure has been called the best or one of the best plenty of times. Compared to the other "best" music in the series--90s or 2000s--it's bland. In general it's still good, and it did help push the series in a new direction (just like everything Sonic Adventure). But it's not as great as its reputation; it's just average.   
Adventure's Music < Heroes' Music < Shadow's Music

Worst Music of the Era:

The one E rank belongs to Pinball Party. It was not so bad. Sonic Battle seemed harsher, but it at least tried to be more than it was. The only real memorable thing about this dull OST is that it had remixes, and even Pocket Adventure beats it out in that area.

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