Monday, April 5, 2021

Sonic Mega Collection/SMC Plus OST Review


The music is really able to play on the nostalgia vibe while still being original. Except of the credits, the music is the same for Plus.  

Best Song: Manuals Theme

Runner-Up (s): Title, Intro, Main Menu, Credits (plus)

While all of the songs are made of nice combos, this particular one has a bit more of a dramatic part and sounds like it could be a Robotnik/Eggman base or something. Pretty cool.  

Worst Song: Credits (original)

Runner Up (s): Options/extras

It's kind of weird compared to the other ones. Not especially bad, but out of place. 

Final Ranking: D

Generally good, but boring. These themes were mostly created for looking at things or scrolling through possibilities, and it does a great job. It seems lamer, though, on its own. 

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