Friday, April 2, 2021

Sonic Spinball GG OST Review


Sonic Spinball, like many games of the time, had a Game Gear release. This version, aside from the title, has different music. 

While these 8-bit titles aren't as well-known, sometimes they can be pretty snappy. In other cases, horrendous. I'd have to say this is someplace in between: it gets the job done, but it just seems lame compared to the Genesis version.  

Best Song: The Machine

Runner-Up (s): Toxic Pools, Lava Power House, Title

This one is nice. It's got some mechanical-like influences, but in this version it's more of an extra/background thing and secondary to the main melody. I like the console version, but this might be the better. 

Worst Song: Bonus Level

Runner Up (s): Final Showdown, Level Start

Kind of an oddball, this one is wacky and at the same time repetitive. Weird and not memorable. 

Final Ranking: D

It's not really bad, but forgettable. 

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