Thursday, April 15, 2021

Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood OST Review


When I played Sonic Chronicles, the music did not bother me too bad. I did not think it was anything special, but it was not as bad as it's reputation. 

However. Now, listening with headphones, actually paying attention to the pounding in either ear...not the best experience. 

I still think people are pretty harsh about it. Rumor has it one guy got stuck making the whole thing and wasn't familiar with the equipment. It's defiantly not up to DS standards, but I think it gives some of the Game Gear titles a run for their money. 

Despite the horrible quality and sounds, this is a rare case because it remixes a few songs from both soundtracks of Sonic CD and Sonic 3D Blast. There is also a remix or "Big Arms" from Sonic 3. 

Best Song: N'rrgal Colony

Runner-Up (s): Zoah Colony, Nocturne, Metropolis, Ground Zero, Boss Battle, Battle 3, IX Final Boss

This dismal remix of Quartz Quadrant Future (US) does not sound too bad. The limitations seem to actually contribute to the despair. Plus it's not drawn out--unlike most of these it's under three minutes (a benefit in this case). 

Worst Song: Main Theme 

Runner Up (s): Angel Island, Green Hill, Blue Ridge, Kron Colony, Battle 1, Battle 2, Battle 4, Win, lose, Intro

This is a lot creepier than I remembered. It sounds the pitch really messed up, and the whole thing is like a complication of the typical horrid "Sonic Chronicles Sounds." 

Final Ranking: E

First, I don't think this is the worst OST. There's no creepy out of place circus music, at least. 

Second, I'm really glad they remixed songs from Sonic CD US/JP and Sonic 3D Blast Gen/Sat, even if it was not under the best conditions. It's balanced between the 4 soundtracks, which is more than I can say for Sonic Mania (with CD).   

Third, there was potential. 

Unfortunately there are songs that will hurt your ears or just sound off. It's a shame that behind-the-scenes problems affected the soundtrack, but it does not meet Sonic-standards. Or probably any DS game standard.  

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