Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Transitional-Classic Era Wrap-up


Sonic Music from 95-97

The Classic version of the Transitional Era experimented with "3D" and giving starring roles to characters like Tails and Knuckles. Naturally there was experimentation with the music, too. 


Jun Senoue, who would become known for his Sonic compositions in later years, composed about half of the Genesis version of Sonic 3D Blast. Richard Jacques, who would also work on future Sonic titles, composed the Saturn version as well as Sonic R (which featured vocals by T.J. Davis).  

Total Scoring

S: 0
A: 1
B: 3
C: 0
D: 4
E: 4

Best Soundtrack of the Era:

Even though the Genesis version is more popular with the fans, the Saturn version is better focused. A spectacular mix of atmosphere and techno-fun energy. 

Best Handheld or Arcade Music of the Era:

Sonic the Fighters remains full of fun. 

Most Underrated Music:

Sonic Labyrinth had the wrong idea and was not the best game to play. The music, though, is (surprising) not nearly as bad. 

Most Overrated Music:

Knuckles Chaotix actually turned out to be pretty good, and it was unique and cool. Still, they stuck a couple bits in Mania, which would have been fine if there was stronger ties to the "main" games (aside from the levels that actually appear, the only games it seems to remember is Sonic CD-JP and oddly SegaSonic the Hedgehog). The music was also famous enough to be in Generations twice, or "Door into Summer" at least.  
Sonic R was pretty good, and the music's reception has seemed mixed, honestly. Still, I've seen some call it the "best" which is kind of outrageous. If it's a favorite, I can understand. But the best of the Sonic series? Of all videogame music?!  Not quite...  

Worst Music of the Era:

The music in Tails Sky Patrol is horrible. It's not Sonic, it's not Tails, it's just annoying. Luckily Tails Adventure was a bit better.  

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