Friday, April 2, 2021

Sonic the Hedgehog Spinball OST Review


I remembered the music of Sonic Spinball pretty fondly and was shocked to see it has a bit of a bad rep...because of the options music. I'll explain that more below...

As for the OST as a whole, it's pretty awesome. It shifts from funky to intense and sharp/mechanical to deep/steady in a heartbeat. The quality us not as good as I remembered though (I assume Sonic Boom or Virtual Sonic or even Sonic Generations is to blame...everyone loves Toxic Caves). 

Best Song: Showdown

Runner-Up (s): Toxic Caves, Laval Powerhouse, The Machine, Boss, Game Over, Title Theme, Intro

I had a really tough time deciding between Toxic Caves, Lava Powerhouse, and Showdown. Ultimately, though, Showdown is like an epic combination of all the prior levels. It's incredibly catchy like Toxic Caves, threatening like Lava Powerhouse, and robotic like The Machine. 

Worst Song: Options

Runner Up (s): Sega! 

Honestly compared to Sonic Eraser, it's not too bad. But while it's slightly catchy in the beginning, it gets progressively worse. It's loud, harsh, and IF YOU WANT TO USE THE LEVEL SELECT CHEAT...

Final Ranking: B

Sonic Spinball is a unique, snazzy combination that makes it another memorable Genesis title. It does have one that just sounds off, but the rest is pretty underrated. 


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