Friday, April 16, 2021

Mario and Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympic Games OST Review


The music of Mario and Sonic @ the 2014 Winter Olympics had some interesting points. This title embraces more classical music and generally keeps a romanticized vibe, though it has its cool additions to keep it modern and fresh.

This time around I found the main theme fairly boring, as with many of the others. The events were really built up and could be fun. Still, it feels so focused on being an Olympic title it seems to forget its a Mario vs Sonic title. 

The rival themes appear to be reused from previous Olympic games. 

The Sonic music choices are odd. Diamond Dust, Blizzard Peaks, and Cool Edge make sense, but why beach themes like Windy and Ripply and Seaside Hill? 

About half or less are remixed, and the other half is reused either from its original game, Sonic Generations, or Smash.      

The ones remixed are: Sweet Mountain, Splash Hill, Blizzard Peaks, Route 99, Leaf Forest, Neo Green Hill, Speed Highway, Diamond Dust (Genesis), and Flying Battery.   

As much as I hate Splash Hill Zone's music, the version 2 remix is admittedly awesome.

Best Song: Neo Green Hill

Runner-Up (s): Downhill Skiing, All Finger Skating, All Finger Skating Double, Blizzard Peaks, Flying Battery, Diamond Dust, Route 99 

WOW. I knew Sonic Advance music could sound great. This version is a slower, more relaxed, Sonic Unleashed-ish version of the beach level. And it may be a beach one, but it was most impressive. 

Worst Song: Delfino Plaza (Main Street)

Runner Up (s): Melody & Answer (all), Legends Showdown (all), Winter Sports Championship Race (all), Delfino Plaza (Market Street), Splash Hill Ver 1 & 3, Sweet Mountain  

Annoying, overly horny, and whimsical in a bad way. 

Final Ranking: D

Overall this OST meets expectations. Aside from those few remixes, though, it doesn't stand out from any of the other Olympic titles or from Sonic games in general.  

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