Friday, April 9, 2021

Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity OST Review


Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity put a futuristic spin on the first games' futuristic spin. Now there was a new gimmick--gravity control--and a new, more sci-fi-ish plot.  

The music delivers the atmosphere wonderfully. The first game was a lot of fun, fast, energetic tracks, and it was epic. But this game builds upon the themes of the first, adding a more dramatic mood overall. 

The cutscene music is also pretty involved and on par with main games like SA2 and 06.   

Best Song: The Core (Mobius Strip)

Runner-Up (s): Through Traffic, Gadget Round, Spiral Madness, Sealed Ground, Dive Into Gravity, Blast Town, Multi-Attack, Options, The Lightless Black, Stop the Black Hole, Meteor Falls, When Robots Attack, Full Speed Ahead  

This song really pushes full-speed into the climatic-type of theme. The momentum really gives the Core a dangerous and serious feel, yet it also slows to hint at the mystery of the location. Plus that "elephant" horn or whatever is a LEGEND.    

Worst Song: Wish and Hope

Runner Up (s): Babylon Garden, After the Storm

Kind of sad, this cutscene music is not bad, but...I don't know, it reminds me more of Elise (06) than the Rogues. 

Best Vocal Song: Catch Me If You Can

Runner-Up (s): Un-Gravitify, Un-Gravitify (Crush 40), 

It was such a close battle between "Catch Me If You Can" and "Ungravitify." Both are epic and underrated. Ultimately the edgy instrumentation and spunky vocals were the deicing factor. It takes a different, slower tone than in the first riders, but it sounds so much clearer and more focused. Better.     

Worst Vocal Song: Un-Gravitify Electro Extended

Runner Up (s): -____-

I was kinda' expecting the Crush 40 cover to go here, but it was way way way better than I remembered. This blend of the menu music and the title song, "Ungravitify" is awesome, but it's sorta' muted compared to the other songs. 

Final Ranking: A

This was an amazing soundtrack to listen to. It's not just a worthy successor to the first game, but improved and more involved. 

I really toyed with the idea of giving this OST an S-rank. It's good, but is it the best of the best? I think it's better than the 1st Riders, but it's a close match. I think it's only fair to put it at the same level. Still probably one of the best, though. 

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