Monday, April 5, 2021

Sonic Heroes OST Review


Sonic Heroes was a game with many characters. Four teams played through variations of the same stages...which could get dull. Luckily the music is awesome. 

The game embraces rock while also jazzing things up with a more electronic feel. Generally the songs are fun and active, with some that are more peaceful or edgy. 

It's not all perfect though. "Sonic Heroes" and bits of the song are used so much in the game that it gets extremely repetitive and almost annoying (which is a shame because the full song is a legend). "We Can" is fun but pretty much just "It Doesn't Matter" but rewritten for this game. Some of the stage music is unforgettable, and others are tiresome or easily overshadowed. 

"Seaside Hill" and "Seaside Gate" are easily among the worst--maybe it's because Seaside Hill has been overused (like greenhill) but Bingo Highway's music has been used pretty often and I've yet to grow sick of it. 

Best Song: Bullet Station

Runner-Up (s): Bingo Highway, Hang Castle, Mystic Mansion, Egg Albatross, Rail Canyon, Egg Hawk, Grand Metropolis, Power Plant, Frog Forest, Robot Carnival, Events, Casio Area

I was really thinking Bingo Highway would take this honor, but Bullet Station turns out to be a bit greater. It's an edgy, guitar driven piece with a lot of power and energy. It transforms into something epic.   

Worst Song: Excuse Me (Event)

Runner Up (s): Invincibility, Seaside Hill, Seaside Gate, Lost Jungle, Egg Fleet, Egg Emperor, City Area, Sea Area, Quick Race, Ring Race, Title

A silly and strange thing. Most of the event music was cool, but this is an oddball.  

Best Vocal Song: This Machine

Runner-Up (s): What I'm Made Of, Team Chaotix

Ah, again. I was really expecting "What I'm Made Of" to be the "best." It's still awesome. But the cooler-toned "This Machine" ends up beating it out. It's so dramatic, powerful, and kinda' mysterious, so it's perfectly ideal for Team Dark.   

Worst Vocal Song: Follow Me

Runner Up (s): We Can, Sonic Heroes (opening version) 

This was easily the worst. Not that it's really bad, it's a cute song for Amy. Lyrics are less bizarre than "My Sweet Passion," but its got that girly, playful spirit. Still, the "follow me in my dreams" thing make me think of Amy's crazy fantasies like in Sonic X when she dreamt about chasing Sonic on the beach.

But, uh, Team Rose isn't just Amy, it's Amy, Cream and Big.  It's a bit of stretch for Cream. But Big? NO. No no no. It's weird enough that he's a "slow" 18 year old hanging out with two young girls. But him having a girly song possibly about him liking Froggy in some kinda' romantic way? NO.   

Final Ranking: C

The entire collection is a mix of pure Sonic-energy. But it is also a collection of opposites: it has some of the most memorable stage music, and some of the most easily forgotten; some songs never grow old, others become dull by the 4th listen; some of the vocal themes are grand, and others are second-rate. In the whole scheme of things, though, I think Sonic Heroes' soundtrack is underrated. 

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