Monday, April 12, 2021

Wacky Worlds Creative Studios OST Review


In all honesty, Wacky Worlds is not much of a Sonic game. More of a Sega-themed Mario Paint, Sonic and Tails make cameos, and the cursor appears to be Sonic's gloved hand. 

Still, that doesn't stop the music from being awesome. Since its a bit on the obscure side, this may very well be the most underrated Sonic-related OST out there. 

The game also let you mess around with the music in some mode, but it didn't play on the level then, just in the mode.

As the name suggests, this is a wacky, retro mix. Pretty cool and funky at different points. However, listening it became clear that much of the music is the same/reused but slightly altered. This most obvious with the Sea and Jungle, and the same for some of the haunted planet and house one.     


Best Song: Nourie's Wacky Creation

Runner-Up (s): The Sea, The Moon/Space, Haunted/Graveyard, House

I assume this is the music for that creative mode I was talking about. An exchange of an edgy little 16-bit guitar, catchy flute, funky synthesizers, and an interesting percussion type of blend. Kinda' a cheat since it's like a blend of all of them, but still.     

Worst Song: Kingdom in the Clouds

Runner Up (s): Jungle...maybe...

Slower, this one tries to sound royal to fit a princess/knight theme. It does that, but at the cost of being bland.  

Final Ranking: C

Ah, nostalgia wants me to give this a B. This is a very likeable Genesis addition. However, using such similar songs for such different locations knocks it down to a C.   

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